It went well and I think most everyone had a good time. I was kind of a zombie on Sunday though. We came home from church, had lunch, I put Parker down for a nap, and then took a 3 hour nap myself. I woke up a whole new person. I am excited for Christmas, excited for new and old traditions with my family, excited for parties, excited to focus on the birth of our Savior--it is such a fun time of year!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ward Christmas Party
It went well and I think most everyone had a good time. I was kind of a zombie on Sunday though. We came home from church, had lunch, I put Parker down for a nap, and then took a 3 hour nap myself. I woke up a whole new person. I am excited for Christmas, excited for new and old traditions with my family, excited for parties, excited to focus on the birth of our Savior--it is such a fun time of year!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Strep Throat

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Jacob and Charlie: Take Two
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
May the Force Be With You
This was the crazy group we ran with.
Yoda was a little behind for most of the evening, but he held his own. He caught on really quickly to mumble something, hold out the bag, and have treats dropped in. The saddest part is that he is allergic to 98% of the candy. Thank goodness for suckers so all of his efforts weren't wasted.
The Parties
We also managed to squeeze in the Goblin Grotto put on by the city the night before. We went with our friend Ronna and her family. There were lots of cute games to play and they even had cardboard fronts to represent lots of the businesses in town. Doors had been cut into them for the kids to trick or treat.
Pumpkin Patch
The slide we all went down a million times. It was the end of a slow day so the guy let us go down as many times as we wanted without paying -- it was awesome.
No really, Parker had fun.

We go to this same pumpkin patch every year and the boys always have a great time. Sometimes it is cold enough to get some hot apple cider and sometimes it is so hot we get water and a cookie. Either way, we ride some horses, pet some nasty animals, ride the train, hang out with our friends, and then go to Safeway to buy our pumpkins where it is cheaper. Good times.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Girls Weekend
Jules had tadpoles that she was going to share with us. She washed out a shampoo bottle, put two little guys in it, and wished us luck. The flight home did not agree with them.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Oh Yeah, And Strawberries...

Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tagged -- All about my husband

2. How long did you date before you were married?
3. How long have you been married for?
4. What does he do that surprises you?
5. What's your favorite feature about him?
6. What's your favorite quality about him?
7. Does he have a nickname for you? What is it?
8. What's his favorite color?
9. What's his favorite food?
10. What is his favorite sport?
11. Who said I love you first?
12. When and where was your fist kiss?
13. What's your favorite thing to do as a couple?
14. Do you have kids?
15. What's a hidden talent that he has?
16. How old is he?
17. What's his favorite type of music?
18. What do you admire most about him?
19. What's his favorite past time?
20. Do you think he is going to read this?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Jacob's 5th Birthday

Jacob is so sweet. He really is very thoughtful and loves being a big brother. He knows what he likes and good luck getting him to decide otherwise. He is quite a chatter box, but I almost always know what he is thinking. I love you Jacob! I am so glad Heavenly Father sent you to our family!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The rest of our trip
It was so fun to be with my family and just enjoy them. We are all spread coast to coast and it kind of sucks. We just hung out the rest of Thursday as people starting rolling in. The ceremony was Friday morning and then we had the wedding lunch. From there we said our good-byes, made a quick stop at Carthage Jail, and then it was back to the airport (with a quick stop to shop first, of course). We got back to Virginia late, late on Friday night, I slept at Lauren's and then headed off to join Jamie and crew Saturday morning.
Back to the Beach
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Parker's First Cookie
Friday, September 5, 2008
Unexplained Absence -- Part 1
We got back from the beach and just hung out some more. We went to a really cute park that was huge and even had this fun carousel, for free! Unfortunately, it was hot as blazes and we didn't last as long as we would have liked.
While we were there, Jamie and I celebrated our 9th anniversary. We left our boys with my sister and went out to dinner. The restaurant was very fun, the food was delicious, and the conversation was uninterrupted. It was a really nice night. (We actually spent a lot of it talking about what fun trip we could take for our 10th anniversary!)
We really did have a lot of fun and loved that we got to see so much family. The boys and I were loving being somewhere else and having fun people to hang out with. Jamie worked a little less and sort of got to relax. We did get to see him more and we all enjoyed that. All in all, it was 3 crazy fun weeks.
(Don't worry, there is more to come!)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
It seems ridiculous, but it was a huge relief that I didn't have to fight him over this, let's just say he is highly opinionated about the garbage. My relief was a little short lived, however.
I spent most of my Jacob free morning watching Parker run to the window when he heard what he thought was the garbage truck, pretending to be interested in all the garbage cans he could see on the street, and reading one Jacob's trash books over and over. That's right friends, I just might have another one. When we told Jacob he needs to be an example to Parker, this is NOT what we had in mind.
Friday, August 29, 2008
I was anxious to hear how Jacob's morning went. I stood around with the other parents waiting the arrival of our new Kindergartners, when I see my son with a goofy expression marching towards me. I knew he had a good day.
Later when he called his dad to tell him how his first day went, he told him, "It was a little scary, but pretty great." We are excited for Jacob and all of his adventures, both scary and great, that lie ahead. Mostly, I just can't believe that I am a parent of a school age child, already.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
30 and still got it!
On the night of my birthday, Jamie and I went to dinner at Kincaid's in Burlingame. My steak was delicious and we had a table by the window so we could enjoy the view of the bay. Then went to see Batman. (Thanks again Laina for watching the boys and thank you Ronna for letting Jacob come over that afternoon!)