So this is what has consumed me for the last month. I am Activities Chair for our ward and we had our Christmas Party last Saturday. We had a Night in Bethlehem. I was really pleased with how it all came together.
Clay Collins is amazing not only because he built this for us, but he put it together in about an hour. It was perfect for our program at the end of the evening.
It went well and I think most everyone had a good time. I was kind of a zombie on Sunday though. We came home from church, had lunch, I put Parker down for a nap, and then took a 3 hour nap myself. I woke up a whole new person. I am excited for Christmas, excited for new and old traditions with my family, excited for parties, excited to focus on the birth of our Savior--it is such a fun time of year!
It was awesomw!!!! You and everyone else did a great job.
It was a blast! We had alot of fun. You did a great job. Only a really creative and organized person like you could pull this fun activity off.
You are AMAZING! I am very impressed with your party planning skills. Looks like it was a lot of fun. We have our ward party tomorrow night, but I can guarantee it will not be as great as yours was. Love you!
John and I are on the same committee and we are doing the Night in Beth. also. Ours is this Sat and we are trying some thing different with a DVD and alot of life musical numbers. This is our 4 th year doing it. The ward loves it and the Spirit is so strong. We don't let anyone with small children help because they are with their kidos and need an evening to enjoy the Spirit.
Yours looked great!!!
Have a great Christmas and enjoy our babies and Lisa and Merrill because we are going to miss them so much.
Blessings to you and yours,
It was killer great - can't wait for next year ... live animals?:)
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