For those of you at home playing "Parker Allergy Bingo", the next item is strawberries. Strawberries. And yes, we found out the hard way. An ER trip and some Benadryl later, he is dong fine and ready to discovery his next allergy. To recap for those of you in the Bingo hall that fell asleep: eggs, peanuts, milk and now strawberries.
Holy Crap! Poor Parker, and Sara. I don't know how you do it. You're amazing Sara.... amazing! I'm glad he pulled through okay.
would you stop hurting your child. spank him and get it over with dont try and kill him..is there much else left that he can be allergic to?
You should talk to Lia Young. It sounds like Parker is allergic to most of the same things her kids are allergic to. Maybe she can give you some advice on what to stay away from. Remember, don't do peaches, mangos and nectarines. Aaah, the joys of allergies! And, by the way, I can't believe you didn't call and tell me about this little episode! I'm so offended. Can you tell!?! Just teasing, I still love you and can't wait to see you next week and hopefully, Sunday. I promise not to have any strawberries or nuts!
oh...so sorry...what a bummer. just think...at least it is not potatoes...that would elminate french fries...a child's staple! well I mean not my children, because of course, I am a perfect betty homemaker and they don't eat such junk! {side note...we went through a bag of halloween candy in 2 days....junior mints...yum yum!}
best of luck sara...blake was born with a latex sensitivity, which can turn into a full blown allergy...so we started out with no bananas, no potatoes {freakin french fries}, no tomatos, no avocados, no balloons, no squish balls, and the hardest one was no socks with elastic....go try finding those...I cried that he couldn't wear all the matching gap socks to all his outfits! hang in there.
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