So this converstation actually took place a few weeks ago when we were on our way home from visiting our Napa friends. I was recently reminded of it and needed to share.
We were just about to get on the Carquinus Bridge when he began. This entire exchange happened in about a 2 minute time period. Those that know Jacob, will not be surprised by that.
J: Mom, is this the Bay Bridge?
S:No, it's the Carquinus Bridge.
J:What's under it? Cars?
S: You figure that because the bay is under the Bay Bridge, cars should be under the Carquinus Bridge?
J: Yup
S: No cars, just water.
J:Does Gipetto start with a "G" or a "J"?
S: "G"
J: Where's Heaven?
S:Umm ...
J: What city is it in?
S: It's not really in a city.
J:Why are Trix round?
S: Because if they were pointy, it would hurt to eat them.
J: Ha ha, you're funny mom.
The conversation went on a little from there, but that was all I could remember. I love the kid, but he just doesn't stop talking! (I think he gets it from his father ;) )
I'm not surprised by that conversation at all. And, for sure he gets his talkativeness from the King side of the family...Hee Hee! He definitely didn't get it from his quiet and shy mother.
oh my gosh that is the funniest thing...I can totally hear his voice in my head asking all those questions. what a crack up...
i can't wait until asher can say such cute and funny things. how funny!
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