A year ago today Parker joined our family. The day started with my water breaking, taking Jacob to Lisa's so she could take him to schoool/watch him while we were in the hospital, driving myself to the hospital with my contractions 3-5 minutes apart, and ending with being exhausted, but so thrilled that Parker James was healthy and perfect.

Jacob was thrilled to have his little brother here and always wanted to be around him. Jacob still loves Parker, just a little less thrilled now that Parker is mobile and has an interest in the toys.
None the less, we all love Parker dearly and are love to have him here. Parker is lots of fun, has a darling laugh, and makes the best faces. He is so patient and has a sweet personality. We know he was meant to be with our famliy.
Happy Birthday Parker! We love you!
Um, is that REALLY how beautiful you looked after just birthing the darling little Parker?!?! I guess I'm not surprised pal...so cute! Happy Birthday Parker! Tell your mom I miss her something fierce!
Yeah, you look great after giving birth!!! Anyway, happy birthday Parker!
Christina Larsen
Happy Birthday Parker! HOly cow-time sure goes fast. MIss you too Pal!
my thoughts exactly... you look like a super model after driving yourself to the hospital and giving birth!? wow. i am impressed. (and jealous!)
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