I am still alive, though at times, just barely. We moved a week ago Friday and it has gone well -- meaning all our stuff is in the new house, we no longer live in the old house, and we all still love each other. We really have gotten a lot done. There are not too many boxes left to unpack and I feel like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel. There have many hours and many dear friends helping along the way that has made this possible.
My frustration right now is how consumed I am with the house and just getting it done. I can at least leave the house now since I don't have to wait for one guy to come plug this in or another guy to come fix that. It is still tricky though because I know what I need to do, I just don't have time to do it. I'm running around all day, looking up stuff online to see what I'm going to get (any thoughts on where to find an area rug?), keeping up with Jacob's schedule, doing projects here and there at the house, and trying not to ignore my boys completely in the process. It gets to the end of the day, the boys are in bed, the stores are closed (even though I wish I could go get just one more thing), and I have lots to do but not enough time or energy to do them.
I know it won't go on forever and I am so grateful to the many that helped us get our stuff over here, have taken one or both of the boys, given me advice/opinions, or have lent an ear to listen.
Soon this will all only be a memory ... until then it just kind of sucks.
been there -- got one of the two i needed.
wow--I thought maybe you'd fallen off the edge of the earth! moving is such a pain...just remember that there will always be stuff about your house that you want to change or need to fix. it's a constant here anyways. no idea on the area rug...never have bought one before. just know that we love you! keep blogging...
you should get bear area rug...you know, the ones with the head and arms on it? I think its a very good idea :)
miss you guys
sara lowes and home depot usually have some good area rugs for not that much. I hope all is going good. see you soon
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