Last month, Jamie's parents were in town for a couple of days. It was a short trip, but we loved being able to spend time with them. The timing worked out great because it was Jacob's Spring Break and Jamie was taking one of the days off anyway for Parker's allergy evaluation.
Grandma and Jacob spent all kinds of time working on his sticker book and just reading in general. As you can tell, Jacob was thrilled to have Grandma spend some time with him and I was thrilled to let somebody else read to him.

Grandpa and Jacob decided they should make some cookies and Parker was not about to be left out that. He just climbed right up like one of the guys ready to go to work. We were all excited for Grandpa to do some baking. He makes some delicious goodies. (He is responsible for the mint brownies.) Jacob went swimming at their hotel while we were at the allergy appointment. I don't have pictures of it, but Jacob came home tired and happy so I think it is safe to say he had a good time.

Grandma and Grandpa didn't leave before they bought the boys new bikes. Obviously Parker loves his. He sits on it and pushes buttons, then gets off and pushes the bike. Then Jacob comes over and pushes Parker riding the bike all over the house. They both just giggle.

Of course Jacob picked out a green bike. It is a little big for him right now, but he will be able to ride it for awhile. It is named "The Screamer" (that's what it says on the bike). My favorite is when Jacob heads out into the backyard and says, "Mom, I'm going to ride my Screamer."

We love G&G King and loved that they could spend a couple of days with us. Since we don't live by any family, these kind of visits mean that much more to us.
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