A couple of weeks ago, I was going into Pacifica down Sharp Park Road (a very curvy, steep road) and got pulled over at the bottom. Allegedly, I was going too fast and was issued my first ticket.
I must admit, as I was pulling away from the cop I thought, "Well that sucked, but I did make it to 29 before getting my first ticket." Mind you, it was not my first time being pulled over or being in an accident that I may or may not have caused. I guess I should have taken off my sunglasses and batted my eyelashes a few times, then maybe I'd have escaped another one. Either way, I now have the joy of on-line traffic school in my future.
It did make me wonder, how old were you when you got your first ticket, speeding or otherwise?
Haha good ole online traffic school. I did that when i got my ticket...then proceeded to do Lisa's for her. My dad just got a ticket and now im being forced to do his...why not just do yours for you to? I'm pretty good at it now...ace every test...just ask lisa :)
16 for both...
Bummer for you. That darn cop... Didn't he have anything better to do?! Catch some real criminals!
Let's see, I was 27 when I got first ticket. Both Sterling & I got one at the same time that week so we did the actual going to traffic school for half a day.
Chelsea is getting good at online traffic school courses.
well...i think i was only 16...didn't even make it a full year. my mom let me drive her bright red lumina around town and it was a police magnet. i never batted my eyelashes or cried either. i think i get a ticket every 3 years and i've been to traffic school--in person about 3 times! nice record eh?
Wow...I wish I had that luck...my first ticket was at 16...I believe I was going 90 in a 40 or something...luckly I wasn't hauled off to jail or had my license taken away. I was also the victim of photo cop...I'm so glad we don't have those in SL anymore! Congrats and welcome to the club!
Uh, 16...about three months after getting my license. Got it over with early on.
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