Did you ever see the movie Men in Black 2? Will Smith is trying to get Tommy Lee Jones to remember that he fought aliens and as they are going to the car, Tommy Lee says (I'm paraphrasing), "I do remember that I always drove." To which Will Smith replies, "Yeah, when we drove that old, busted car. I drive now." He points to Tommy Lee and repeats, "old and busted", points to himself, "new hotness." Remember that movie? Since then Jamie has referred to himself as old and busted and that I am new hotness. Well duh. Jacob has picked up on that and can tell you that his dad is old and busted and his mom is new hotness.
I tell you that story so I can tell you this one. Over the weekend, we had Stake Conference and Richard G. Scott was the visiting authority. There were some great talks and it was two good days of church. After the Sunday morning session, Elder Scott was in the foyer shaking hands and we thought it was a great opportunity for Jacob to meet one of the apostles. He was so kind. He shook Jacob's hand and asked him if he was going to serve a mission, and Jacob said, "Yup." Elder Scott smiled and told him that was good. He then shook my hand and thanked us for coming. He looked down at Jacob and said, "Did you know that you have a beautiful mother?" Jacob just nodded and said, "Yup." I just smiled and then I hear Jacob add, "that's why she's new hotness!"
Fortunately, Jacob is short and Elder Scott is on in years and probably doesn't hear everything. I don't think he heard him. None the less, nothing makes a mom prouder than her 4 year old telling a GA that she is "new hotness".
OK seriously, this is the best story! Thanks for sharing! When I taught Jacob in Sunbeams every once in a while he would tell me that his dad couldn't do something because he was "old and busted". This would crack me up and now I know the full story. That kid has personality, let me tell you!
oh man, this kills me!
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