Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Skyscraper

We went out to eat with my sister and family. They took us to a tasty deli where Jamie just couldn't resist the challenge of "The Skyscraper". It was three pieces of bread, two kinds of meat, cheese, cole slaw, and Thousand Island dressing. As you can see, it was ginormous!
Fortunately, he said it was really good, because he had a lot to go.
When he finished, and he finished, all he could say was, "Yeah I did!"

It was a proud day for us all.


Maggs said...

I just have to comment and let you know that this picture literally made me sick. I hope that is not a typical meal for Jamie.

Chelsea said...

yeah Jamie!!! way to go. I'm so proud!

Last night my roommate and I built a double decker burger and raced to see who could finish it first. I had 2 min 13 sec. (I lost by 5 seconds) Needless to say I got sick that night.