What would we do without good neighbors? We have a very kind woman that lives next door. She is happy to talk when we see each other and is interested in the boys. In passing, we mentioned it was Jacob's birthday, and two days later, there was a gift from her on the porch, so nice.
It's not just immediate neightbors either. A few days ago, I needed milk to make dinner, but alas, I had none. I just didn't have it in me to drag the boys through the store for a 1/2 cup of milk. Our neighbor wasn't home, so I loaded the boys in the car, and drove 3 blocks to Josie's house. I ran in, said hi, got my milk, and headed home. It wasn't much, but it saved me. (I used to do the same thing with Lisa, before she moved.)
After I returned home and finished dinner, I was so grateful for good friends and neighbors that aide in saving my sanity and are just enjoyable to be around.
I must say, I do miss having you so close. I totally could have used you yesterday when I ran out of butter. Someday, hopefully we'll be back together again. Ahh, the dream!
I sometimes wish I lived in the 50's so I could have a white little fence and ask my neighbor to barrow baking supplies:) Love the shark party!
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