So today we discovered that Parker is allergic to not one, but three major and very common food items – peanuts, milk, and eggs. Well, the egg is still to be confirmed with more testing, but if that falls through, there was some hint of a wheat allergy that could pick up the slack to make sure he remains a triple threat. We apologize in advance to all our family and friends for having to hear from now on “what’s in that?” EVERY time we eat or even snack together. Wish us luck in trying to make sure our little man doesn’t accidentally eat the wrong thing and swell up like a red bumpy balloon with a throat swollen shut.
AWW bummer....so he was allergic to that milk!!
i am SOOO sorry Sara. I always thought it was bad that Mykah was allergic to peanuts...but to have all 3 allergies--wow. poor Parker!
Bummer, at least you've already been trained on how to use an eppie (I can't spell) from Maddie. I totally forgot to ask you about the little guy yesterday and was meaning to call you today about it. I'll try you later on. And, you know I won't mind you asking what's in everything. Oh, and remember...honeynut cherios have nuts in them! Just a little inside laugh for you.
ouch sara, you are totally gonna be that mom that has to bring "the special snacks" to birthday parties and nursery. fun for you.
i love you blog btw
karen, of the fewkes variety
also i do love you but i meant to say i love youR blog!!
dis! he must have inherited those bad genes from his father, because everyone on his mother's side is perfect :) tough luck. but look on the bright side: the kid can still eat lima beans :)
Way to go Sara, you are an over-achiever. Not one but THREE!!! Now you get to read the fine print that "this product was processed on equipment that processed peanuts" etc.
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