Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Jacob insisted that he and Parker both wear green shirts that had nothing on them. I guess any pictures would take away from the true spirit of the day, or something.

He made this hat and beard at school today and then ran around saying, "I'm a leprechaun!" If I knew how to make corn beef and cabbage, we would have that for dinner tonight. But I don't so it will probably be chicken. Maybe I'll go crazy and we'll have a green vegetable for the occasion. I remember thinking this holiday was a lot cooler when I was younger. I guess it's like anything else and it is as good as you make it!


mindi said...

right back at you! i love that mask! i'm totally going to make one for myself next year. i think chicken sounds a bit better than the corned beef. at any rate, enjoy!

DeEtta said...

Jacob makes a pretty cute leprechaun. We always have green homemade bread or green rolls and Irish Stew for St. Patrick's Day. With Triffle for dessert.
Top O' the Mourn to you,

Unknown said...


Great blog Sara, very enjoyable!