It was four months ago today that I first heard the words "concerning for cancer".
I had been having some pains on my right side over Halloween weekend and after seeing my doctor and being sent for an ultrasound because of suspected gallstones, they saw my gallbladder was clear but that I had lesions on my liver. That started the flurry of tests and procedures that would lead to my surgery in November where about a foot of my sigmoid colon, my right ovary, and 14 lymph nodes were removed. It was not longer after being home from the hospital that I got the phone call confirming that I had Stage 4 colon cancer.
This is a picture of my first round of chemo on December 14.

I had round #7 this week. My treatment is FOLFOX (an acronym for my 3 chemo cocktail) plus Erbitux. I go in every week for Erbitux, which is a growth inhibitor (stops new cancer cells from growing) and every other week for my actual chemotherapy. On chemo days, I'm in the chair about 5 or 6 hours. By the end I've had up to 7 IV bags infused into my port-a-catheter -- the awesome device surgically implanted under my skin on my chest, it saves my veins from getting stuck every week.
I'm expecting to have a CT Scan done next month to see where things stand. My blood work shows that it is going in the right direction and we are cautiously optimistic. I have no idea how many rounds I have left. When we first met with my oncologist, she said we just treat it until it's gone. I thought that sounded like a pretty good plan. She said it would be at least 10 treatments, maybe 20.
At this point, I live pretty day to day. I try to enjoy my kids on the days I feel good, and sleep on the days I don't. I have so many pulling for me and that means the world. I know I have many, many prayers going out on my behalf and on behalf of my family and I am so grateful.
Thank you. Thank you to the many that love me, love my kids, love my husband, bring us food, send notes, emails, texts messages, flowers...the list goes on. I am humbled by your support and love, it makes me stronger and fight harder.
Thank you to my army. I love you.
Love you Sara!
You are an inspiration. Reading your story reminds me to be brave and strong in whatever life throws. I'm sure that your "army" of supporters feel the same way, and are also being supported by you. And even on the days when you don't feel well and you are just sleeping, I'm sure it gives Jamie and the kids great comfort knowing that you are there, in the house with them. No matter how much help you need, your still the Mom; your still the heart of the family; your still Sara. So thank you for sharing your story. We'll be thinking of you and rooting for you as your continue with the treatments.
You are such an example of being strong in times of trial...we love you and care for you and the family.
You know that you are in every prayer giving in our house. If we don't mention you fast enough, Maddie wispers, "don't forget to pray for Sara." I just wish I was closer and could do more for you! I can't wait to spend more days with you in the chair. I know it is much more fun for me than for you. I always love coming and getting to spend some quiet time with you (without our crazy kids). I just wish I was less busy and could come more often!
Love you Sara Girl!
Love you Sara. Keep up the good fight.
Just seeing your smiling face in that photo gives me strength to know that no matter what we are faced with, we can have a positive attitude and fight it. You are an amazing person, I've known that for many years and I miss you. Please know that we are still praying for you as well at every time we pray. I think of you all the time and hope that you know you are loved. Keep fighting pal!
We are all praying for you up here in NH and the StLouis family is in your army too!!!
You are amazing and an inspiration to your forces that are behind you 100%!!!
Love, Hugs, and many prayer,
Sara I think about you all the time. You are such a fighter and such an inspiration to me. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers daily. Keep up the good fight.
All my love :)
Thank you so much for the update Sara! These trials always make us take a look at the most precious parts of our lives. You are in our prayers. Hugs!!!!
Thank you for the update. I am one of the many who love you and pray for you and keep you in my heart and thoughts. And, thanks for the gentle reminder to enjoy my kids today. I better go get enjoyin'. Love you, Sara!
I've getting caught up on your blog. Can you tell? Just wanted to say I love you and you are amazing! You handle all of your ups and downs with more grace than I could imagine possible. I would like to grow up to be you someday.
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