We go see the temple lights every year with Merrill and Lisa and have done so for 8 years. The only 2 years we didn't was when we lived in Utah. Come to think of it, one of those years, Lisa was in Salt Lake so we went to see the lights at Temple Square. By now, it is definitely a tradition.
Our ever growing group.

The 4 and 1/2 of us.

The kids, minus William, on top of the temple. Maddie was funny, she couldn't get enough of Parker and kept trying to pick him up and offering to carry him. This was another attempt.

Another tradition (though we are willing to break this one) is finding the worst place to eat after. Sometimes because the food is bad, but mostly because we always manage to find the place with the longest wait time. This year it was Fenton's. The kids actually did a pretty good job considering the wait was supposed to be 15-20 mins and it was an hour and a half. Jamie got the worst of it because he had Parker on his shoulders for a lot of the time. Parker has a tendency to pull hair, smack his face, and stick his fingers in Jamie's mouth. All of which he does over and over again.
We finally got our table and the kids were so tired and hungry they just sat and ate. It was nice to be able to have a conversation with Lisa and Merrill despite the 5 kids at the table. They even had a sorbet that was dairy free so Parker got to have a treat too.

It was another good trip and we look forward to next year. In the meantime, we will try to find a better place to go after.