The funny thing about Jacob and his love for all things garbage, is how long it's been going on. Honestly, one of his first words was "tash" (trash). He's been going pretty strong ever since. He would pick out a garbage can a mile away. Even while watching TV, he would always find the garbage can.
For the last few months, however, the obsession has backed off a little. Not quite an obsession, but still more than a hobby. He was still interested, but if he didn't see the garbage man come his world didn't end, nor did he have to bring in the empty can the second we got home. I've started to notice a slight increase and after yesterday, I think we might be back.
We had a pretty relaxed morning (Jacob finally changed out of his pj's around noon) and the boys were just doing their thing. It was only at the end of the day that I really stopped to think what Jacob had been doing ALL day.
It started when he climbed in bed with me at 7 o'clock and said, "We need to take the garbage out today." I reminded him it was only Monday and we wouldn't do that until tomorrow. He then asked to watch the movie his cousin, Max, gave him for Christmas a couple of years ago. "Wink and Blink, A Day in the life of a Garbage Truck". He watched it over and over, all the while he had a couple of his own trucks and a handful of garbage cans out playing garbage. As the day went on, he moved from room to room playing various forms of garbage. Some were recycling, some were green waste, but most involved clamp trucks (he likes those the best).
Considering our day so far has gone pretty much the same, with an intermission to go to see cool animals with Charlie in Half Moon Bay, I'm thinking we may not have moved on from garbage like I once thought. If you've never witnessed it first hand, you are missing out.