It has only been a couple of months since we found out about Parker's allergy to eggs, milk, and peanuts, yet I am already ready to be done with the whole thing. It is hard enough to get your kids to eat good food and not get stuck in a rut. I feel like with Parker, I live in a rut. I am still trying to figure out how to read labels, what snacks are safe, etc. In the mean time, Parker eats lots of dinosaur chicken nuggets, meatballs, and rice and beans. Lots of stuff has milk, most pasta has eggs or is processed with eggs. He can't have any baked goods. Eating out is starting to feel impossible. Obviously no cheese. The list goes on. Fortunately he likes fruit and some vegetables so he doesn't starve entirely.
I know it will just take a little longer to get find all of the dairy, egg, and peanut free goods and once we do, it will be smooth sailing -- until he leaves the house. There won't be much snack sharing with friends, he will be the kid that always has to bring his own treats to parties, and I will forever be worrying if he ate something I didn't know about and that I might have to break out the EpiPen Jr.
I know he will be okay and that we will get this all sorted out, it all just seems really overwhelming and frustrating right now. The peanut is most likely a lifelong allergy, but there is an 80% chance he could grow out of the egg and dairy. So if you ever think about us or wonder how we manage, just know that I would greatly appreciate your thoughts or prayers for him to out grow either as well as any ideas or suggestions.
that has to be so frustrating! I am so sorry Sara. I always thought Mykah's peanut allergy was a pain...but I'm definitely feeling bad for you and little Parker. I will keep him in my prayers and hope that he can outgrow some of the allergies. We love you guys!
Allergies SUCK. I feel your pain. Maybe you can just start cooking everything from scratch and then start your own company and my millions. Cause a mom with two small kids has lots of time to do things like that. You have nothing on your plate right now. Come on Sara, you can do it. We'll keep Parker in our prayers too.
Sorry to hear about Parker's allergies--yuck! We'll keep him in our prayers. In the meantime, I'm amazed at all of the foods that are available for kids with allergies. I hear the chocolate soy milk is pretty good.
...and...why is Mom on your peeps list and not me?!!! I can no longer beat you up or think of a really good threat, but that list had better be modified soon!
Yesterday Cecily and her friends rescued a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest inside the barbeque. Cecily, of course, volunteered to bring it home and care for it. Guess what I'm doing today? Yup, feeding soggy cat food to a very small, very ugly bird. It's either a sparrow or starling, so I have to keep it away from Chauncey and Eric, who would make short work of the little guy.
Blythe and I giggled over jacob's list of what he wants to be when he grows up. She, of course, wanted to be a cheerleader and a cowgirl in New York City when she was his age. Let us know when a Jacob holiday is coming up--we'll celebrate, too!
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