So it's been awhile then. We were getting ready for our trip to Utah, and there has just been a lot since we got back. No worries though, I have returned.
The boys and I went to Utah in the middle of the month and had a great time. We stayed with my parents and were able to see my sister and her family too.
This is Grandma and Grandpa with the boys at Thanksgiving Point at the Scarecrow Festival. They had carnival games, a little train, and about a bajillion inflatable slides with obstacle courses. They also had a Jr. Haunted House. Jacob took Grandpa through it and told him not to worry because all the scary stuff was just plastic.

We went to see my Grandma too. We had a nice visit and she enjoyed seeing how much Jacob had grown and meeting Parker.

This is my nephew Braden, my dad, and Jacob. They loaded up Grandpa's truck and were headed to the yard waste dump. Jacob was in heaven. Grandpa and yard waste, does it get any better?

Parker was just chillin' at Grandma's. He took a little warming up, but he was loving the attention by my mom, sister, and darling neices.

We had such a great time that Jacob was not so sure about coming home.